As a recognized technology leader in IGBT, Infineon offers a comprehensive portfolio in different voltage- and current classes. IGBT products are offered as bare dies, discretes components, power modules and even complete stack solutions. IGBT
Stock list: FZ1500R33HE3 FF300R12KS4 FP15R12KE3G FP25R12KT3 FP50R12KT3 FP50R12KT4 FS75R12KT3 FS75R12KT3G FS450R12KT4 FZ400R12KE3 FZ400R17KE3 FF300R12KT3 FZ600R12KE3 FP40R12KE3 F4-100R12KS4 FP15R06W1E3 BSM25GP120 FP100R12KT4 FF300R12KT4 FF300R12KT3 FZ400R12KS4 FF75R12KT4 FF75R12KT4_B11 FF75R12KT4_B15 FZ1200R33KF2C FX150R12KT4 DDB6U104N166R DDB6U100N16R BSM300GB120DLC |